First Liberty | Supreme Court Coup
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    The First Casualties

    The Future of Freedom is In Your Hands

    Unequal Justice Under the Law

    Tell the Radical Left to Leave the Court Alone

    Sign the Declaration of Judicial Independence

    Stop the Radicalization of the Supreme Court

    Sign the Declaration of Judicial Independence

    Stop the Supreme Coup

    Say no to Biden’s court-packing scheme

    Say “no” to muzzling religion

    Court-packing will not stand

    Don’t let the Constitution be ignored!

    Stop court-packing today!

    Reject partisan court-packing

    Stop the remaking of the Supreme Court!

    Stop court-packing today.

    Sign on to stop the politically-motivated Supreme Coup!

    No to Court Packing

    Tell Biden NO to court packing today

    Enlarging the Court

    Leads to an overthrowing!

    The Priceless Heritage

    of the supreme court!

    9 is Fine

    It has been for quite some time!

    Court Packing is a Coup

    To take away your freedoms – STOP IT

    Reject Radicalism

    Stop the Supreme Court Coup

    Justice Is Gone

    “Fighting for religious liberty does no good if our system of justice is gone.”