First Liberty | Supreme Court Coup
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    If We Lose the Court, We Lose the Country


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    Learn Why the Constitution is in Danger
    The Brazen Attempt to Overthrow Our Nation’s Court System Is a
    Simple Majority Vote Away from Happening.




    The extreme Left’s plan to “reform” America’s courts
    is in full swing. This is not about “fixing” the judiciary.
    Their radical agenda is clear. It’s all about bypassing
    Supreme Court decisions they don’t like, rigging the
    courts in their favor and grabbing more power.


    If successful, this coup attempt will ➔



    End the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court


    Destroy our Constitution’s founding principle of separation of powers


    Eradicate our cherished rights and freedoms, including religious liberty


    Politicize the high court


    Erode all public confidence in future court rulings

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    We need your help to stop this radical Coup attempt. Here are several ways you can get involved:

    • JOIN – Defend the independence of America’s judiciary. Join now to say “NO” to court packing.
    • VOTE – Do your civic duty. It’s not just your right—it’s your responsibility.
    • GET – Download helpful resources here and forward them to your circle of contacts.
    • ASK – We’re asking every American to contact their candidates — of all parties — to learn where they stand on the Supreme Coup.
    • SHARE – Use social media to spread the word about court packing. Share these memes with your friends and family.

    Protecting the Supreme Court could be the most important issue of the upcoming election. Because if we lose the court, we lose our country. That’s why today is the day to get involved!

    Say No to Court Packing | Supreme Coup | First Liberty

    Exposing the Supreme Court Coup

    SCOTUS | Supreme court Coup | First Liberty

    Supreme Court Coup Explained

    The U.S. Supreme Court is one of the most respected and revered institutions in America. For more than 200 years, it has been a bulwark in protecting our liberties. But many keep attacking the Court. So First Liberty is taking a stand.

    $30 Million to Attack the Court | First Liberty | Supreme Coup

    $30 Million Being Spent to ‘Overhaul’ the Supreme Court Via Court-Packing & Other Radical Proposals

    A Hollywood magnate has pledged $30 million to fund a think tank that will push to overhaul the U.S. Supreme Court. The money will go to the Brennan Center for Justice, one of America’s most Left leaning groups. They’ve been vocal supporters of court-packing, ending lifetime judgeships and other extreme proposals.

    Say No to Court Packing | Save the Supreme Court | Supreme Court Coup

    Packing Venezuela’s Supreme Court Ended Freedom

    Hugo Chavez was elected president of Venezuela in 1999. In a few short years, he packed his nation’s highest court with a dozen more judges to carry out his political agenda. Reports show that of the 45,000 rulings issued by Venezuela’s high court since 2004, the court never sided against Chavez’s government after it was packed. Not once.


    The radical Left wants more power, even if it means destroying America’s independent judiciary, a hallmark of our constitutional system.

    First Liberty has gathered more than a half million patriots to FLOOD the radicals threatening our democracy with a critical message: NO to court packing, NO to the liberal agenda, NO to the Supreme Court Coup.

    The future of the court and our country is in your hands. Join thousands of Americans like you in fighting to defend the independence of America’s judiciary.

    Judges must remain independent. They are not politicians in robes. They’re not an extension of whoever holds power. Join the effort to stop this threat to our country.

    Add Your Name Now | Supreme Coup


    Americans REJECT This Brazen Power-Grab


    Nationwide polls commissioned by First Liberty Institute and conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling and Strategy found that vast majority of Americans—59%—oppose court-packing and other radical “reforms.”

    View the Results »

    The results of the polling are clear. Americans view the court “reform” for what it really is: a brazen power-grab. They’ve discerned that it’s nothing more than a politically motivated scheme to advance the agenda of one political party.

    America’s judicial system is the envy of the world—and it is under heavy attack. Please share the truth about radical court “reform” with your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. More Americans need to know the threat this scheme poses to our liberties. We need to work together to help save the priceless heritage of the U.S. Supreme Court. 

    Let’s stand firm and make it clear: We the People firmly oppose the Supreme Court Coup.

    Take Action Now »

    Power Grab Image