First Liberty | Supreme Court Coup
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    Make Your Voice Heard

    Reject The Radical Plan To Overthrow Our Nation’s Courts

    President Biden’s Judicial Commission is currently soliciting public comment on what they call “Court Reform” — code language for the far-Left’s plot to overthrow the Supreme Court by “packing” it with an automatic majority that will rubber-stamp their radical agenda.

    This is NOT court “reform.” This is a coup. And we must REJECT this coup attempt…but time is running out. President Biden has asked the Commission to issue its report “within 180 days” of its first meeting on May 19. Take our poll below to tell President Biden’s commission NO to the Supreme Court Coup.

    Take the Poll Below »

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    For over 150 years, the United States Supreme Court has had nine justices. “Court-packing” is generally defined as increasing the number of Supreme Court seats, primarily to alter the ideological balance of the court. Do you support or oppose “court-packing”?*
    Do you feel President Joe Biden should or should not back a plan proposed by congressional democrats to increase the number of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States from nine members to thirteen members?*
    If a plan to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with more Justices succeeds, do you believe protections for religious liberty would increase or decrease?*

    By clicking submit, you verify that you are 16 years of age or older.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


    Discover the radical threat posed by the court packing schemes of the left. Read the latest news, learn what Americans really think, and take action to stop this attempt to overthrow our court system.

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    Share the FACTS, the HISTORY, and the GRAVE CONSEQUENCES of court-packing with millions of Americans nationwide. Will you help deliver this message as far and as quickly as possible?

    Spread the Word


    First Liberty is seeking your help and your voice to make sure that President Biden’s commission to study the Supreme Court hears the truth about court-packing and the abuse of power.

    Join the Coop Coalition