First Liberty | Supreme Court Coup
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    We’re Fighting Together to REJECT the Supreme Court Coup

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    We have gathered a nationwide coalition of nearly a half million patriots to FLOOD the radicals threatening our democracy with a critical message: NO to court packing, NO to the liberal agenda, NO to the Supreme Court Coup.

    Thousands of American patriots like you have joined the fight to defend the priceless heritage of America’s judiciary. Here’s a glimpse of who’s already come on board:

      • Edwin Meese
        Former U.S. Attorney General
      • Franklin Graham
        President and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse
      • Penny Nance
        President and CEO of Concerned Women for America
      • Tony Perkins
        President of Family Research Council
      • David and Tim Barton
      • Star Parker
        President of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education
      • Katherine Glenn-Foster
        President of Americans United for Life


    Read the Public Statement ⮕


    Read the Public Statement | Supreme Coup

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