by Jorge Gomez • 6 min read
Even as proponents of court-packing attempt to stage a brazen coup of the U.S. Supreme Court and the lower federal courts, there is good news we can point to as it relates to America’s judiciary.
You’ll recall that the previous presidential administration confirmed over 230 judges to the federal bench, shattering records not seen in decades during a president’s first term in office.
What’s more, a vast majority of these judges’ records and background demonstrated an originalist philosophy—a commitment to interpreting the Constitution according to its original text, including the First Amendment’s protection of religious freedom.
Judicial experts predicted the confirmation of originalist judges would leave a lasting legacy. Many spoke of the future impact that these judges would have on the rule of law and the protection of fundamental liberties, especially as Americans continue facing imminent threats to our God-given rights.
But what offers even more hope and optimism for those concerned about attacks on our freedoms is that originalist judges in the federal courts are making a difference right now.